Highlights from Anime NebrasKon (2022)
We had the pleasure of attending the largest and longest-running anime convention in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metro this past weekend. Anime NebrasKon’s 18th year saw over 7,000 attendees over the weekend and drew in cosplayers and anime fans from all a

This past weekend we had the pleasure of attending the largest and longest-running anime convention in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metro. Anime NebrasKon’s 19th year saw over 7,800 attendees over the weekend and drew in cosplayers and anime fans from all across Nebraska and Iowa. From my personal experience of going to NebKon over the years, I can attest that the event is growing larger by each passing year.
Since 2008, Anime NebrasKon has held charity events for several notable causes including Make-A-Wish, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Basset and Beagle Rescue of the Heartland, and countless other organization with a focus on mental health. This year, they raised over $17,000 for The Trevor Project—the world’s largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for LGBTQ+ youth. It’s an organization that closely aligns with the goals of the convention, in providing a space for people to be themselves and engage with a larger community.
Here’s a link to the fundraiser if you’d like to donate: https://give.thetrevorproject.org/fundraiser/3766114
The enthusiasm was palpable in the Mid-America Center (MAC) this weekend. We spoke to several individuals who took part in the annual cosplay contest; many of whom spent days, weeks, and sometimes months carefully crafting their cosplay to be the very best, like no one ever was. Not only were they happy to show off some incredible detail in their costumes, they were just as excited to meet with others and share similar passions. As hundreds gathered in the MAC’s Exhibit Hall for the Cosplay Contest, it was clear just how meaningful this event was for so many.
While cosplay could be considered the convention’s biggest draw, there were plenty of other activates for attendees to enjoy. In-between spectating all the unique cosplays, people had the opportunity to participate in screening rooms, board/video games, and a variety of topical panels, including: Breaking into the Industry, Intro to Cyberpunk, Lost in Adaptation - Hollywood’s Take on Anime, and the Right Stuf and Nozomi Entertainment Panel. Right Stuf is North America’s largest anime retailer and distributor, is one of Anime NebrasKon's sponsors, and also premiered the first licensed episode of Macross 7 at its industry panel.
NebrasKon also featured prominent voice actors like Kellen Goff (Funtime Freddy), Daman Mills (Final Fantasy VII: Remake), Xander Mobus (Persona 5), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Ghost In The Shell Innocence), Kimberley Anne Campbell (Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night), and mega-star Amber Lee Connors (Attack on Titan), in a host of discussions, Q&As, and fun activities. One of our favorites was seeing Daman Mills challenge attendees in a Super Smash Bros competition. Absolutely priceless.
Attendees, age 12 and under, had a Little Ninjas workshop for tie dying, origami, and other sensory arts and crafts. For the adventurous, Friday and Saturday nights saw a slew of DJs and entertainers put on an epic dance party—with a laser light show presented by Elevative. Needless to say, the event staff and organizers deserve recognition for all their hard work and dedication to making Anime NebrasKon (2022) the best it could possibly be. We sure enjoyed our time there!
Check out more information on their site: https://animenebraskon.com/
Below is a gallery of photos we took from the convention center.